With over 100 years of combined experience across the wide variety of Planning and Environmental practice areas, Arivitas Strategies has the ability to assemble a virtual team that can provide more than just plans and studies that will get your project approved by the local agency. Our team will apply the latest and best Project Strategies to create the desired outcome for our clients. Whether that outcome is a new affordable housing project, or complete downtown revitalization, Arivitas Strategies will combine time-tested and proven strategies of Economic/Fiscal Viability, Environmental Stewardship, and Social/Public Engagement to ensure that your next project, no matter how challenging, is a success.
- Strategic Planning for Healthy, Vibrant, & Prosperous Communities
- Revitalization, Redevelopment, and Adaptive Reuse Plans
- Entitlement Services
- Due Diligence Studies including Opportunities & Constraints
- Environmental (CEQA) documentation
- Communications, Public Outreach, and Social Media Management
- Public Policy Research, Development, and Creation
- Sustainable Planning & Design based on the Triple Bottom Line
- Municipal Staff Support
- Peer Review Services
Our professional and technical capabilities are always growing, changing, and being updated. Please contact us to find out what Arivitas Strategies can do with your most challenging projects.